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Adult - Leagues

Latest News:
Updated Jan 2, 2024
Winter registrations and waitlists are FULL. Spring Registration opens on Feb 1st.

Adult League Schedule & Standings

Schedule & Standings

Spring & Summer Adult Leagues 2025

This spring & summer season we will be running 6 co-ed leagues - minimum 2 girls on the floor at all times.


We will also be running a MEN's Sunday night league and a WOMEN's Monday night league.


Each night will include 2 best of 3 matched during 100 minutes (or more) of court time. Schedules will be split amongst times as evenly as possible. Sunday start times will be 3:45pm, 5:30pm, 7:15pm, and 9:00pm, with teams allowed to opt out of the earliest time slot if they want. Monday start times will be 7:05pm and 9:00pm. Tuesday through Thursday start times will be 7:30pm and 9:15pm, switched to 7:00pm and 8:45pm as soon as the kids' practices are done (in late May). 
FRIDAY LEAGUE start times will be 8:00 and 9:40pm

The deposit required with all registrations is $200 which will be applied as part of the full league fees below: 


Sunday MEN's League
SPRING April 27 to June 22 = 8 weeks (no play May 18) 30 teams. $420

SUMMER July 6 to Aug 24 = 7 weeks (no play Aug 3) 30 teams.      $360
                                                                                         BOTH $750


Monday WOMEN'S League 
SPRING April 28 to June 23 = 8 weeks (no play May 19)  30 teams. $420

SUMMER July 7 to Aug 25 = 7 weeks (no play Aug 4) 30 teams.       $360

                                                                                          BOTH $750


Sunday COED League 
SPRING April 27 to June 22 = 8 weeks (no play May 18) 60 teams. $420

SUMMER July 6 to Aug 24 = 7 weeks (no play Aug 3) 60 teams.      $360
                                                                                         BOTH $750


Monday COED League
SPRING April 28 to June 23 = 8 weeks (no play May 18) 30 teams. $420

SUMMER July 7 to Aug 25 = 7 weeks (no play Aug 4) 30 teams.      $360
                                                                                         BOTH $750


Start times have changed starting in May to be 6:30-8pm, 8-9:30pm, 9:30-11pm
If you have any questions or concerns with this change, please email Don Saxton ( or Ben Saxton (


Tuesday COED League 
SPRING May 6 to June 24 = 8 weeks. 60 teams. $420

SUMMER July 8 to Aug 26 = 8 weeks. 60 teams. $420
                                                              BOTH $810

May 20 to Aug 26  = 14 weeks (no play July 1) 24 teams. $720
*all teams 6:30pm start time 


Wednesday COED League
SPRING May 7 to June 24 = 8 weeks. 60 teams. $420

SUMMER July 2 to Aug 27 = 9 weeks. 60 teams. $450
                                                              BOTH $840

May 14 to Aug 27  = 16 weeks. 24 teams. $810
*all teams 6:30pm start time

Thursday COED League 
SPRING May 8 to June 25 = 8 weeks. 60 teams. $420

SUMMER July 3 to Aug 28 = 9 weeks. 60 teams. $450
                                                              BOTH $840

May 22 to Aug 28  = 15 weeks. 16 teams. $780
*all teams 6:30pm start time


SPRING April 25 to June 27 = 9 weeks (no play May 16) 40 teams. $450

SUMMER July 4 to Aug 22 = 7 weeks (no play Aug 1) 40 teams.      $360
                                                                                         BOTH $780


*GST is included with all prices shown 


Sign up on-line for any of these leagues with a deposit of $200 to hold your spot. $190 refundable until 1 month before league starts. 50% refund if you drop out before the league schedule goes out 1 week before the Spring or Summer League starts. The balance of fees will be due at the front desk by the second week of teamplay. 
More information - email​​


League Registration







For league info please contact Don at
For current season questions or score updates, please email Ben at


How to Register:

Option A)
Register Online!

Option B) Call the GYM, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and ask for Don (587)619-0590

For registration we need a name, phone #, and email for the team captain as well as a non-refundable $200 registration deposit.


We accept Cash, Cheque, Visa, Debit, and MasterCard. There is a $15.00 fee for all NSF cheques and the balance of fees will be due when the league starts. All fees include GST.


Your registration is not complete until we have received your non-refundable deposit. Entries are dated and sent confirmations as they register, if you do not get a confirmation please contact us ASAP to avoid as many frustrations as possible.

Court Bookings

Open 9AM - 11PM, 7 days a week.

  • Indoor Court (GYM): $60/hr, $40/hr for individual lessons.

  • Basketball Court (GYM): $80/hr, $50/hr for 1/2 court bookings.


Thanks to all for continuing to fill our adult leagues - if you have any feedback at all please send an email to

League Information

Find Players/Teams

Find Players & Teams
League Rules

Co-Ed League Rules

Women's League Rules

Match Format

If you win a game you get a point. Games before the time limit are 25 (capped at 25 - winning by 1 point in the first or second game is OK). If a team wins the first two games the score is recorded as 2-0. If both teams win one game then the score should be 1-1. If the buzzer goes during the middle of a rally you finish the rally you are in. If the game is tied after that rally, then you must play 1 more point to determine the winner of that game. If there is a tie after 2 games the teams can start the third game, but if neither team has at least 5 points and a lead of 1 point when the buzzer goes in the third game then the match will be recorded as a draw and each team will get 1 point on the standings (i.e. a score of 4 to 1= tie, a score of 5 to 0 = win, a score of 8 to 7 = win). Match wins will now be worth only 2 points whether they are in 2 games or 3.

Our leagues are 10 - 16 weeks in length. The first half of the season will be round-robin format, followed by tiered play and then play-offs. Your team will be ranked and placed in a tier after the round-robin play so they will be playing against teams of similar caliber. Playoffs will take place during the last 2 weeks of the league.

The scheduler makes every attempt to give an even distribution of early and late playing times.

Each team plays 2 consecutive matches within a 95-minute period. There is a 15 - minute warm-up period allotted prior to the first match only, followed by 2 x 45-minute matches. A buzzer will sound to end the allotted time for each match. If you are in the middle of a rally, finish the rally, then the game is over. If the game is tied after that point, then play 1 more point (only) to determine a game-winner.

There must be a minimum of 2 non-libero women on the court and 5 players at all times. If your team has only one female and 4 (or more) males then you must play with only 5 players, playing as if the 6th (female) is on the court taking up a front-row spot in 3 rotations and losing a point when it is her turn to serve. If you have 2 females and 3 males then play normally with no missed serves or points. 

To be eligible for playoffs, a player must have played regularly during the regular season. 

Matches are best of 3; the first 2 games to 25 capped at 25, and the 3rd game (if necessary) to 15 capped at 15, or until time runs out. 

Captains are responsible for recording their wins on the whiteboard. Please remember to record your results.** IF NOT RECORDED we will try to contact the 2 teams to get a result - if we don't hear back, IT WILL BE COUNTED AS A TIE **

All Volleydome leagues are run by the honor system. Please call your own net faults and ball touches. As of this Fall, we are using the current FIVB net touch rules, which, as written in 2015/2016 Official FIVB Rules are as follows:

  • 11.3.1 Contact with the net by a player between the antennae, during the action of playing the ball, is a fault. The action of playing the ball includes (among others*) take-off, hit (or attempt), and landing.

  • 11.3.2 Players may touch the post, ropes, or any other object outside the antennae, including the net itself, provided that it does not interfere with the play.

  • 11.3.3 When the ball is driven into the net, causing it to touch an opponent, no fault is committed.

*"Among others" would include setters/blockers who touch the net while playing or attempting to play the ball.

If you have any positive suggestions for improving schedules or rules, we would love to hear them!



If you use a sub (the player that doesn't normally play for your team) they must be there for the beginning of your match or else you must inform the opposition that they will be coming shortly. If they are not there by the start of the 2nd game then they are not eligible to play in that match. One player cannot play or sub for more than 1 team during any particular time period (ie. play for 1 team and then sub for another team during the same time period).


Defaults and Forfeits

Be aware that if you have signed up for the league, you are committed to being there every week with 6 players. It is extremely annoying to league organizers and to your opposition if they come to play and you don't show.

If you have less than 5 players five minutes after the scheduled match start time then you forfeit the first game. If your 5th player shows up within 20 minutes then play the 2nd game normally. If you still have less than 5 players 20 minutes after the scheduled start time, then it becomes a match forfeit (if you have 4) or a default (if you have less than 4).

If you have 2 girls and 3 guys then play normally with 3 players allowed in the front row in each rotation. If you have 1 girl and 4 guys, then you must play as if you are the 6th player (female) on the court. The 6th player automatically loses a point on their serve AND when the designated missing player is in the front row the team must play with only 2 front row players (i.e. during 3 rotations when the missing girl would be in the front row).

If you have fewer than 4 players, this is a default.

**(NEW as of Jan.8, 2013)** We had only 5 total defaults during the fall session (4 of them in one Sunday tiering). Defaults really don't seem to be much of a problem anymore so we are going to remove the default rule of $40 payment for drinks since teams don't tend to claim these anyway and teams that default always seem to have "unavoidable excuses" and don't tend to pay the default fees. So here is how we will work the new rule:
Teams that default once with no notice (by notice I mean at least one day so that we can try to reschedule or find a team to replace you) will not be included on the list of teams that get the first chance to re-register for our next fall or winter league. Teams that default twice (even if they do give us notice) will be removed from the league immediately with no refunds.

For new team captains please note that on our website there is a section called Find Players/Teams and there are always a number of players listed on there that are looking to play so generally you can find subs for any given night if you are willing to plan ahead and send out a few emails or make some phone calls.

If an injury occurs during the match or during an earlier match on the same evening and this causes a team to have insufficient players, the match will be completed as if the team with the injury still has their injured player. ie - no forfeits or defaults due to injury of someone who showed up to play.

Team reps are responsible for finding out game times and communicating with their players. We will try to keep all schedules and standings as current as possible on the website.



1. 5-minute warm-ups only! We need teams to get started so they have time for 3rd games if necessary.

2. Game 2 must be completed regardless of time. Games 1 & 2 are capped at 25.

3. Game 3 - Play a full game to 15 if time allows. If the buzzer goes when at least one team has 3 points or more in game 3, then whoever is leading wins the match. If it is tied play 1 more point to decide the winner. If the buzzer goes when you are in the middle of a rally, then finish that rally and if it is tied after that, then play 1 more point to determine the winner. If the buzzer goes before either team has 3 points in the 3rd then you must keep playing until the first team gets to 3 points in the 3rd game.

Match Format

Our leagues are 10 - 16 weeks in length. The first half of the season will be tiered according to previous results plus self-rankings.  Matches will be the best two out of three for all teams.  We will make tier adjustments every 3 or 4 weeks with the purpose of getting teams into tiers that are as competitive as possible.  In the second half of the season and during playoffs the matches for the top tiers will be best 3 out of 5.  Playoffs will take place during the last 2 or 3 weeks of each league session.

There are 3 points awarded for each 3 game match.  Games before the time limit are to 25 - NO CAPS. If a team wins the first two games the score is recorded as 2-0 and the winning team gets 3 points. If both teams win one game then each team gets 1 point for the game win and 1/2 point for the last game tie. If the buzzer goes during the middle of a rally you finish the rally you are in. If the game is tied after that rally, then you must play 1 more point to determine the winner of that game. If there is a tie after 2 games the teams can start a third game, but if neither team has at least 5 points and a lead of 1 point when the buzzer goes in the third game then the match will be recorded as a draw and each team will get 1.5 point on the standings (i.e. a score of 4 to 1= tie, a score of 5 to 0 = win, a score of 8 to 7 = win).   If one team wins 2-0, but there is still time, then both teams can continue playing, but there will be no more points awarded for that match even if the losing team wins the 3rd game.


For 5 game matches there will be 6 points awarded for each match.   1 point for each game win with the same buzzer rules as above.  1 extra point for the match win.  If one team has won 3 games already, but there is still time to play, then please keep playing until the buzzer and points will be awarded for any game in which one team gets more than 5 points.   If time runs out, then for each game that is not played or not enough points have been scored, half a point is awarded to each team.


The scheduler makes every attempt to give an even distribution of early and late playing times.


Captains are responsible for recording their wins on the white board. Please remember to record your results.** IF NOT RECORDED we will try to contact the 2 teams to get a result - if we don't hear back, IT WILL BE COUNTED AS A TIE **


RULES: You can find the international rules of the game HERE.

All Volleydome leagues are run by the honor system. Please call your own lines, net faults, and ball touches.   If you think that another team consistently cheats on this stuff, then let us know and we will give them anonymous feedback at the end of a session and if there is enough negative feedback, we will also consider whether or not that team should be invited to continue in this league.


Liberos can be used as they would be in a normal match, but teams cannot use a single middle player that flips to the front row every 3 rotations.  If a team has only 6 players then they must all rotate through all positions on the court.

Subs are welcome if you have missing players, but please do not bring in a bunch of subs (particularly if they are stronger than your normal players) for playoffs.  Your playoff team should be the same players as you have used all year.


Defaults and Forfeits

Be aware that if you have signed up for the league, you are committed to being there every week with 6 players. It is extremely annoying to league organizers and to your opposition if they come to play and you don't show.

If you have less than 5 players five minutes after the scheduled match start time then you forfeit the first game. If your 5th player shows up within 20 minutes then play the 2nd game normally. If you still have less than 5 players 20 minutes after the scheduled start time, then it becomes a match forfeit (if you have 4) or a default (if you have less than 4).

If an injury occurs during the match or during an earlier match on the same evening and this causes a team to have insufficient players, the match will be completed as if the team with the injury still has their injured player. ie - no forfeits or defaults due to injury of someone who showed up to play.

Teams that default once with no notice (meaning at least one day so that we can try to reschedule or find a team to replace you) will not be included on the list of teams that get first chance to re-register for our next fall or winter league. Teams that default twice without notice will be removed from the league immediately with no refunds.

For new team captains please note that on our website there is a section called Find Players/Teams and there are always a number of players listed on there that are looking to play so generally you can find subs for any given night if you are willing to plan ahead and send out a few emails or make some phone calls.

Team reps are responsible for finding out game times and communicating with their players. We will try to keep all schedules and standings as current as possible on the website.

If you have any positive suggestions for improving schedules or rules, we would love to hear them!



1. Please be there early and get through warm-ups on time.   We need teams to get started so you have time for 5th games if necessary.


2. Game 3 or 5 - Play the full game to 15 if time allows.  Win by 2.  No caps.  If the buzzer goes when at least one team has 3 points or more in the final game, then whoever is leading wins the match. If it is tied play 1 more point to decide the winner. If the buzzer goes when you are in the middle of a rally, then finish that rally and if it is tied after that, then play 1 more point to determine the winner. If the buzzer goes before either team has 3 points in the 3rd then you must keep playing until the first team gets to 3 points in the last game.


buzzer goes at 17-16 in the 5th game means the team with 17 pts wins.

buzzer goes at 22-17 in the 4th game means that if it is now 2-2 in games you should start the 5th game immediately and first team to 3 (capped at 3) wins the match.​​​​​​​​

If you have any further questions or concerns or even perhaps some positive feedback, please contact the Volleydome 587-619-0590 or email:


The Volleydome

Open 9AM - 11PM, 7 Days a Week


GYM Location 


#250, 10 Stonehill Pl NE

Calgary, AB    T3N 1T7

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